
Calculations used in the YieldBlox protocol.

Utilization Ratio Calculations

Utilization Ratio

Used to calculate the current utilization ratio for an asset.

Originating Utilization Ratio

Used to calculate the originating utilization for an asset.

Utilization Tracker Delta *depreciated*

Used to calculate the utilization tracker delta of a transaction. This allows the protocol to measure an asset's average utilization ratio over a period of time.

Utilization Adjustment *depreciated*

Used to calculate the necessary utilization ratio delta adjustment.

Average Utilization Ratio *depreciated*

Used to calculate the average utilization ratio for a loan.

Accrued Interest Tracker Updates

Used to calculate accrued interest tracker updates

Liability Token Calculations

Equations used to calculate the value of liability tokens and user liabilities.

Liability Tokens Issued

The number of liability tokens issued to a user when they borrow from the pool.

Liability Token Value

The value of a single liability token. Used when calculating the value of a user's liability.

Liabilities Outstanding

Liabilities Outstanding for a given asset

Interest Rate Calculations

Interest rates change based on the interest threshold and rates below.

Base Interest Rate

Interest Rate - Threshold One

Interest Rate - Threshold Two

Interest Rate - Threshold Three

Average Interest Rate

Originating Interest Rate

Stable Rate

Used to calculate the stable interest rate for a loan.

Minimum Collateral Requirement

Used to calculate the minimum collateral required for a loan.

Pool Token Calculations

Pool Token Issuance

Used to calculate the number of pool tokens issued to a user account.

Pool Token Value

Used to calculate the value of a pool token

Maximum Liquidation Amount

Used to calculate the maximum amount of a loan's value the liquidator is allowed to liquidate in order to reach a health factor of 1.02.

Health Factor

Used to calculate an account's health factor.

Maximum Liability

Used to calculate the maximum liability an account can hold at one time.

YBX Issuance

Used to calculate how much YBX to issue.

Issuance Ratio

Used to calculate how much YBX to issue per liability or pool token


Pessimistic Block-Weighted Average Position Size

Used to calculate the pessimistic block-average position size for a given collateral or liability position. Used to calculate YBX issuance for a position


YieldBlox Default Protection Amount

Used to calculate how much of the user's liability should be taken on as pool debt as part of the Default Protection Program.

Last updated