Escrow Contract


Users will lock and unlock escrows through this contract. Escrowing periods are 3 month periods, 6 month periods, or 12 month periods. Users who escrow YBX will receive veYBX, which accrues escrowing fees and has voting power.


    userPublicKey: string,
    timestamp: number,
    fee: string
    type: ProtocolEventTypes,
    unlocks?: {escrowId: string, amount: string}[],
    earlyUnlocks?: {escrowId: string, amount: string}[],
    lockAmount?: string,
    period?: number,


  • unlocks (OPTIONAL): Array of claimable balance ids tied to unlocked escrows and the amount from each of these escrows that the user would like to unlock.

    • Note: Users cannot unlock an amount that would bring your health factor below 1.1 or leave them with more votes than they have voting power.

  • earlyUnlocks (OPTIONAL): Array of claimable balance ids tied to locked escrows and the amount from each of these escrows that the user would like to unlock.

    • Note: You cannot unlock an amount that would bring your health factor below 1.1.

  • Lock Amount (OPTIONAL): Amount of YBX being locked

  • Period (OPTIONAL): 3, 6 or 9 month period to lock YBX

  • Unlock Early Amount (OPTIONAL): amount of YBX being unlocked prior to the defined unlock period

    • Note: You cannot unlock an amount that would bring your health factor below 1.1

High-Level Contract Process Flow

The escrow contract changed after these docs were written. A revised contract process flow is coming soon!

Last updated